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Outsource call actions

Personal contact gives you insight into the reason why your customer does not pay. Has your customer simply forgotten to pay? Or are there other issues at stake and is your customer unable or unwilling to pay? We know from experience that every conversation is different: having conversations about outstanding invoices is a speciality.

Would you like us to carry out call actions? Our team of debt collection specialists is trained to conduct service calls on outstanding invoices. We call on your behalf and during the conversation we guide the customer to the most appropriate payment solution. This will ensure an optimal balance between customer satisfaction and results.

What are your benefits?

  • You get your money more quickly;
  •  You will gain insight into the reasons why customers do not pay;
  •  You will transfer fewer invoices to Bos Incasso.

We go and stand for quality. We have the relevant certifications and quality marks.
Click here for a complete overview.

Outsourcing call actions?

Together we will explore the possibilities of implementing your call actions.

Feel free to contact us by using the button below or the contact form.

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