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Help with financial problems

Do you expect to be unable to pay your bills soon? Or have you been having money problems for some time now and you no longer have an overview of your financial household? In that case it is important that you seek help as soon as possible. Fortunately, you don't have to do this alone, we are happy to help you take this first step.

Debt guide/Schuldenwijzer

Via Schuldenwijzer you can log in with your DigiD. Here you will find a simple, secure and online overview of your own debt. You can share this information with other parties such as debt counselors, making assistance with money problems more efficient.


Het Nibud is an independent information institute, with the aim of getting a better grip on your money. For example, they can help you organize your financial administration.

The legal counter/Het juridisch loket

The legal counter provides free legal advice on debt and debt collection matters. On the website you will find information and tips, as well as sample letters that you can use to apply for a payment arrangement, for example.

Help from your municipality

Many municipalities in the Netherlands have a helpdesk for help with money matters and debts. For example, you can request an advisory meeting. You will have a conversation with a helpdesk employee. This is about your income and expenses. We will also map out how your money problems arose and what your home situation is.

Opt for a payment arrangement

It may happen that is not possible to pay the outstanding amount in one go.

In many cases you can agree a payment arrangement with us.

Opt for a payment arrangement:

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